Car Chat Podcast with Amy & Jamy

Episode 11.2: Wives of David, Abigail - Women of the Bible Series

Amy Petersen & Jamy Fisher

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Welcome to Episode 11 - PART 2 Abigail! 
We are talking about the WIVES OF DAVID!

We did something a little DIFFERENT this month...because we wanted to keep the Wives of David AS A GROUP  yet still take time to get to know the three wives we selected, we are releasing a 3-part series of shorter episodes to honor each woman's story.  They are like mini-chapters of a bigger story - rooted in the importance of the Davidic Covenant and what it meant to be one of his wives within the tapestry of God's promise.

What is the Davidic Covenant? ( found in 2 Samuel 7)

  • the unconditional covenant made between God and David through which God promises David and Israel that the Messiah (Jesus Christ) would come from the lineage of David and the tribe of Judah and would establish a kingdom that would endure forever
  • God does not place any conditions of obedience upon its fulfillment
  • the surety of the promise made rests solely on God’s faithfulness and does not depend at all on David or Israel’s obedience

Who were David's wives?  (1 Chronicles 3, 2 Samuel; 3:2-5, 5:13-15)

  • *Michal- daughter of King Saul, sister of Jonathan
  • Ahinoam- mother of Amnon
  • *Abigail – mother of Chileab (Daniel)
  • Maacah – daughter of King of Geshur, mother of Absalom and Tamar
  • Haggith – mother of Adonijah
  • Abital – mother of Shephatiah 
  • Eglah – mother of Ithream
  • *Bathesheba – mother of Shimea, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon

In this 3-part series, we will be talking about: 

Part 1: Michal 

Part 2: Abigail- this episode!

Part 3: Bathsheba 

>>> ABIGAIL  <<<

Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 25

We will discover that Abigail:

1.  situationally aware and acted quickly.
2.  wise in conflict
3. stayed calm (didn't let her emotions overtake her)

She is one of us.  Who God is to her, he is to you and me.

Her story prompts conversations about living with a fool, how to handle conflicts with calmness and grace, the value of humility, the power of reminding others who they are in God, when to act quickly and when to not, how important it is to build a foundation on faith so that when situations arise you can stand on what you already have in your heart.

Abigail has just one chapter in Biblical history but she saved David from making a terrible mistake. Her calm strength and humility is what I long to have when I face crises in my life.  She also was married to a cruel and foolish man who I'm sure she thought was for the rest of her life. The way she was able to rise about his foolishness and be strong in her faith is such a challenging example to the impact of choosing God.

We hope it encourages you!
Much love,
Amy and Jamy

for ALL 3 Wives of David on Episode 11.3, Bathsheba.


Hey everyone, welcome to Car Chat Podcast. I'm Amy and each month we chat about One Woman of the Bible, and in this case we're doing a three part series on the Wives of David.


We haven't done this.


We'll see how this works. We are taking like as one woman, the wives of David, simply because the Davidic covenant was so key and if you want to know more about what that is, go back and listen to Michal, because we talked for the first about 10 minutes of what that looks like. But it's very important to kind of see the wives of David in one group, but yet they are so different that we also thought it was important to highlight three of them. He had eight, so we're going to highlight three.


Last episode, in part one of the Wives of David, we talked about Michal, and this is part two of the Wives of David and we're talking about Abigail, and our heart is to really answer the question who is she? And discover two things that she is a lot like me and who God is to her. He is to me. And we're building this community of these women in the Bible with also those who are listening, that we are not alone in this walk of faith and that we can connect with each other on grounds of familiarity, of struggle, but then also of growth and of hope and an understanding who God is in those moments of heart.


So today we're going to talk about Abigail, and she is actually the third wife of David. He married her within those 10 years or so that he had just left he's running still. Yes, yes, yes, after he left Michal, so here he is with Abigail.


So we're kind of asserting into that middle of Michal's story, because her story is kind of the beginning and the end. Yeah, and this is. It's important, because a big part of why we love Abigail so much is that the promise is not happening yet of everything that David is to be. Yes, so she's. She takes a big risk in loving him and going with him, which we're going to get to. I'm getting ahead of her.


Yes, that's so good. Abigail is so such a beautiful example of wisdom and strength and faithfulness. Yes, so here's the snapshot. Abigail was married to a rather horrible man named Nabal. He was an alcoholic and he was cruel. He's the worst. He's one of the worst. He was a terrible character. Yes, he refused to provide food for David and shelter when David was on the run from Saul. From when he left Michal Right Instead Nabal. Is it Navel or Nabal?


I don't know. I'm not able, but I have no idea. Nabal sounds better.


It does Do you want to switch it to Nabal I? Don't know, and these are two Oklahoma girls trying to speak Hebrew, so instead. Nabal hurls insults at David, abigail tries to cover it with peace and she sends loads of food to David and asks him not to do anything rash in regard to Nabal there we go again Nabal or Nabal.


I need to stick with whatever comes first. Nabal yeah, I like it.


So this is just the snapshot.


We're going to start peeling these back, but in this snapshot for those of you that have to deal with someone in leadership who's kind of a knucklehead sometimes. We don't have a choice about this. She teaches us all the lessons, that's really good. She's great at it. So just a little note yes, that's what's coming to mind when we're talking about.


Nabal. That's really true. So she, because David was going to go kill him. But then she goes out with food and really resolves the conflict and Nabal dies at the hands of the Lord a few days later. And then David marries Abigail. She bears David, a son who never becomes a contender for the throne, and she really plays no further role in history. It's just. It is a very interesting little episode of Abigail, and one of the things about the wives of David, and particularly the three that we're highlighting, is they're all so different. Yes, and even though they are within the group of being married to David, they are all so different, and so it's important to see the different dynamics and the teachings that God gives us through each one.


Yeah, I think we hear parts of their life in the narratives that are important to the story of David. So, I'm sure that Abigail. I would like to think that who she is, she continues to be in ways that impact to people around her. But as far as the narrative of David, we don't hear from her after this.


That is really good yeah, so I do.


Yeah, and again, we only could make supposition, yeah, but, and we're going to stick to what the well? We actually know that the Bible is telling us. That just a little, just a little side note.


I think we can trust that she remained this person. That is one reason why we wanted to pull these women out and in in kind of solitude is to see them as the women that they were and not necessarily just with how they played into David's story.


Well, because in Abigail's story with David, what we're going to see is she saves him from a mistake that would have really hindered his I want to say his leadership, but something stronger than that, his what is coming for him, she, she protects him from that and that's, I think, why it's such an important part of the story. But I think who she is, her character, is set and I think she remains that likely, yeah, likely she does, but yeah, we don't know that for sure, that's interesting.


Maybe she turned horrible. I don't think so. You know, michael saved him, yeah, and Abigail. God has used these women to keep David on the projectory, even though it's a messy one, yeah, but in one in which it has a. So here's an interesting fact about Abigail she is the only woman in the Hebrew Bible who is described as both intelligent and Beautiful. Yeah, she's a well-rounded gal, she is. So she's one of those that you would just think you want to know.


I love her. You love her, yes, I. She's one. You know, I have these imagery, like these imaginations of when I'm in heaven and the women that I would like run to and think we would Automatically click and I'd be friends with that, like the ones that would scare me, yeah, and then others that I'm like, okay, you talked to her first. She might be like someone's that intimidate me. Yeah, she doesn't. I love her. I think you really doesn't intimidate.


Abigail does not intimidate you. No, I love her. Okay, I can't wait to get into this.


I think she and I could sit for coffee and be okay.


Have you ever thought about women like that in the Bible, ladies who are listening?


Oh, I do.


That is so fun who can you have coffee with and not be intimidated? That's a really interesting and and it's okay to say that some of the women that we're talking about you don't want to have coffee with and you don't know if you really jive with. Yeah, she probably scare me.


That's interesting, I'm gonna scare me that Abigail you'd have.


Okay, I don't the verdicts out for me. I don't quite know yet about how I don't know about Abigail yet I. Appreciated her. Anyway, let's get it so three things to describe Abigail. One she was very Situational aware, yeah, and she acted quickly.


Yes, by necessity. Yes, because you married to a fool. I mean he is a fool and it says that in scripture. Yes, and she finds it she already knows and it's clear in the text, because the way the servants go to her, it's clear. They know that she, it's her responsibility and she will save them from his foolishness, which probably this is not the first situation where she's had to intervene because he has React, reacted harshly or ever reacted to something you know and I just I admire that about her. Oh, okay.


So in the first Samuel 25, verse 4 through 8, david is in the wilderness, sends word to Neball to help him out, and then it just says that they they waited. Again we see Neball getting the message from David in David's name, knowing who he was and not doing anything. Right, yeah, so it's really the contrast of what Abigail does.


Oh yeah that is.


That's a good contrast.


I've seen that before.


And then we see in verses 10 through 12 that Neball basically says well, who is this guy anyway? Why should I take my stuff and give it to him? He's coming from who knows where. I mean, this is within the text, y'all. He's making these, these questions and Starkastic's child statements about David, and do you think that he would have known who David was?


Well, I think he didn't care, because what has already happened is that when the shepherds were out, when Neball's shepherds were out in the fields, david and his men were there and protected them, like the text says, they didn't have to worry While they were out there. So it's it's not that he owes him something, it's that they've had some, they've had, like a way that in their culture, a thing. So basically, now that it's time to celebrate this, the the good, the good response, I guess, to the season with the herd, now that it's time to celebrate, neball won't acknowledge that David and his and his men had some part that was helpful. They, they should have graciously received them in as a celebration and in gratitude.


I think I said that like way longer than no, that was so that's what that should have been and that's why it's really good he is not Saying oh, I don't know this guy we're not having like we would be like, well, I don't know that guy, we're not having him into our house.


That's not what this is Interesting. I should have cared and known.


Maybe he didn't, maybe he didn't know, but he definitely didn't care. And even when he was informed, he's like no, I'm not gonna get my stuff to those guys, never mind that they helped us out. That's not how it should have been.


Oh, my goodness.


Well, and it shows no faith. I mean it shows no people know about David and I mean Abigail.


The way she says about him.


She knows all of this. She cast this beautiful vision of everything God is calling. So it shows the contrast that Nebel didn't care about what God thought and wasn't seeking what God thought about life or about people, and Abigail had gosh.


Because in response to that, david's men turn around and told David what Nebel said to him. And David said to his men okay, strap on your swords. In verse 13. So they did, and David's trapped on this as well, and about 400 men went up with David, while 200 stayed with the supplies. So that is coming right.


It seems like an overreaction, right, yeah, he's like strut on your sword, let's go getting. Yeah, I don't know if it was that bad of an affront to him, like that bad of a Snub, or if he's just up to here with everything. Yeah, this is kind of the straw that breaks.


Yeah, yeah, I don't know, or just what you had just said about him also have helped out, yeah them with protecting the herd maybe, maybe it was um that it's not being reciprocated, and how rude I'm so, but whatever it is it triggers, david does bad, like what he's about to do is, I mean, it's entire and it's not just him, it's not just a ball, it's everyone. Yeah, I mean that's it.


This is like I mean we're kind of talking about like it's funny, but that's yeah, it's a serious thing catastrophe that is coming and so one of the things that about Abigail is that she knew what was going on. Yes, she was not just oblivious. Yeah, the aware and active quickly is perfect description Is she is aware and active quickly in the mess of a very foolish husband. Yeah, so One of the servants goes and tells Abigail in verse 14 about all these things. And so In verse 15 the servant has Abigail but his men were really good to us, they did not mistreat us and they helped us out. And then he says in verse 17 to Abigail now think it over and see what you can do, because disaster is hanging over our master In his whole household. He is such a wicked man that no one can talk to him.


Yeah, we've tried to tell him this and he's he won't listen, and we're all about to die because he is being such a fool and they know they can trust her with it. Isn't that interesting? And and how she moved out, like how she goes into this plan With what she knows to take and how to pack it up yes, it makes you wonder she's done it before Exactly not specifically with David, I'm just in general.


Have you covered for, yeah, do damage control for this guy? Yeah, I mean, does that, is that familiar to you guys, whether you have a family member that's like that, or, like Jamie said earlier, a boss that's like that, that's difficult, or even someone that thinks they have that kind of authority?


over you some kind of partnership, whether it's official or just Assumed. Yeah, just someone who's foolishness Exact surprise from you.


Oh, we can learn from her so much we can. I'm so grateful that God puts this in his word for us to see what we can learn. So we see in verse 18 how she acts quickly wasted, no time.


The nlt said it's a waste of no time in the new living.


Yeah, she acted quickly, she knew what to do and she sent lots of food and went out herself on a donkey to meet them in verse 20. And then we see again the Lord saying in verse 23, the word saying that she acted quickly In verse 23. When she arrived, it got off her donkey and bowed down before David and she actually called her husband a fool. Yeah, so here she is making amends for the stupidity and really the Disregard and the disrespect and the affront that her husband did. Yeah, one of the things in this.


This part that Really convicts me is her humility. Because she owns, she calls navel what he is.


Okay, so let's look at that, but she owns his mistake.


Ooh, and that's hard for us to do. More like, this person represents me. I'm representing this household because and she says he's a fool and she's honest about him, but she says let the guilt be on me. She says this is, this is on me and in doing that she immediately I mean I can almost see that the initial blood come out of.


You know that's rushing through David's yeah, his fury, the blood that's coursing through his veins and he's just like that anger. It starts to less and just hey, she gets down face down. This is on me. I'm so sorry. My husband did something foolish. How can we make it right? There's this humility there that a lot of times, when someone is made Making a fool of us by by their actions, we want to kind of just throw kerosene on the fire and just keep it playing in the way she does this.


She doesn't try to defend or hide the embarrassment of it. There's humility In this that's really in.


that is amazing. How do you handle conflict now? And that's one of the things that that that is the second part of her story that I just love is that she was not only Situationally aware and acted quickly, she was wise in a conflict.


Yes, why this was a conflict and we all have conflicts, and there's a lot of conversation and a lot of training and Learning that we have to do in order to know how to resolve conflict. We have it in our families, we have it in our work, we have it at church, we have it on our neighborhood street. Oh yeah, we have conflict everywhere. Yeah, no one is Voic can avoid conflict. So how do you deal with conflict? And I think that many of us naturally will Flight, yeah, but is it fight or fight like? So? I fight, or run from it and just kind of smooth it over and not address it. Others of us can go to the other extreme and step right in it and fight it and make it worse.


Yeah, I think she shows such a good balance and telling the truth about the, the real fool, and saying the truth about Nibbal, but also being willing to be humble and say oh, this, this is on me. How can I? I'm here to say this is our fault, my husband was foolish about it, but I'm so sorry. How can I?


It's so she pulls the plug on David's anger by not Refusing, like casting blame back at him. That is so interesting. Yeah, and you got to be careful. I don't ever want to say that I'm. I'm saying we should take the blame for someone else's mistakes or someone else's foolishness, but I think the way she handles this and being honest but also humble yeah, she didn't say he was a great man. No, she said he was he has pushed us to this and I'm sorry about that.


But she stated the facts of the situation and I think sometimes that can be very Precarious and just be on me.


This is my household. That let this be on me. He made the decision, but it's on us. Now, what do we do? And then the way she even moves forward.


Yeah, I have a shimmy really well, she does what I call vision casting. I don't know where I first heard that term. I've something I've heard for a long time. But the way when you read on down into the story. First she says, hey, he would you know with humility I'm sorry, this is on us but then she says, but this is the truth of who you are, david. Hmm, and this is what I know to be true of you. And she's casting vision of who he is At his core and who he is growing to be, instead of who he is at the moment.


Because what she could do is say get off my property. You have no right to be here with all of this anger. This. My husband made this choice, not me. You are not gonna hurt my people. Back out, buddy, I mean, that would have. She would been to me fully justified in that. That's not how she handles it. She sees him and she says this is who you are and you are precious to God. Your calling is important. Everything when God has done, everything he's gonna do with you. You don't want this to be part of your story that you have come in here and shed blood.


Yeah and she calls out in him who he is and who he wants to be. And I think this is such a gift when, when we see the gifts and the the no potential isn't quite right that the God, the God seated potential in someone and we call it out what it might look like, that's such a gift to people and and and people who are walking with God, even if they're not living that at the moment. When they see that and catch a little bit of it, they want to, they want to rise to that, and I think this is true with our husbands, with our children, with co-workers, especially in ministry. We have such opportunity for this. So I I ask God to let me see this and people and then to have the courage to say this is, this is what I see in you, this is the, the giftedness I see in you, and I've already seen it this way and this is what I see God doing with you. So how can we make this happen? And he agrees gosh, that is such a wise word through her example.


She was very generous. She did not come into the situation wanting to take from David or wanting to restrict no, anything taken from her. No, she came in with a giving heart and then she gave generously. And you could really only do that if you know who the Lord is and who the Lord says you are.


That's right, because she couldn't have recognized the stuff she calls she. I read this morning, reviewing for this, that she says that David's life is securing God's treasure pouch. What I think that was in that. I think that was in the new living I was reading in the morning. Oh, my gosh, when she says, listen, what God is the one that's holding you back, because I know you're fighting his battles and your life is is, is it is stuck to his treasure pouch. I mean you're David, your life is valuable to God. Don't forfeit anything here, don't give anything up. Oh, for the only way she could see that is if she was walking with God. Yeah, that vision would not have been.


I mean, Michal didn't see that stuff, I know and here we are again at a fork in the road of how Abigail could have Responded. The choice, within the situation of a foolish man who was her husband, who did something really stupid and she says it sees impending death coming her way. She had a choice to make and she was responsive quickly, not because of her belief in the moment, yes, but because of her belief and who God was and who David was before all this happens.


And don't forget what you said earlier this is a crisis. She's showing calm wisdom in a crisis. I mean, this is At any moment. He is completely armed, and so it's what do you say? 400 men around, yeah, at any minute they could strike her down and everyone with her and her entire family and household is gone. This is not kind of like a oh hey, you know, like she's just like this little flirty thing this is. She has rising with great courage and calmness to be able to speak these truths. There's no way that, in a catastrophic crisis like this, she could say these things if she hadn't rehearsed them and learned them with God, in the quiet and in the calm and there's a lot.


We can learn from that. Yes, that's so good. So many times when we're in conflicting situations and actually may be residing, yep, in Conflict, within our own house, within our church, within our school neighborhood, whatever, and we want answers of how to handle it. Many times we go to other people, which is fine. We go to books, which is fine, we follow a formula, which is fine. But if it's left only to that right, that is where we get into trouble. Because it is truly under the power and discernment and equipping of what the Holy Spirit does in us To give us the wisdom in the moment to move with situational awareness, with wisdom, with trust, with humility. Yes, he gives us all that without us even trying, when we lean into him. That's right. And so if you are in a situation in which there is a lot of conflict, you, you, you don't see an end to it. Yeah, you don't know what to do.


You don't know what to do in it and the things that you have tried Don't work, fall flat whatever. I would encourage you first we would encourage you first to Really be on a pursuit of who God is and what he says about you, and then seek help in order to Rebuild some of your unhealthy Thinkings through Christian counseling, through a mentor, through through someone you could talk to you for some outside perspective, because oftentimes with in perspective like this, if you are unhealthy in an unhealthy situation, you're only going to breed unhealthiness, but if you, I think you're only going to be unhealthy. Abigail was healthy yeah, she was, and so you have to seek healthiness in an unhealthy situation so that then you can be healthy and respond to healthiness.


And you can remember God in the middle of it. Yeah, it's at the timing of. This is amazing because I'm studying in the Psalms of Ascent. Psalm 132, kind of toward the end, is one of. It's called a royal Psalm and it's all about God's promise to David and in it they're reminded the pilgrims. The Psalmist is reminding God remember what you, what you, promised to David and remember how hard he struggled and remember his, his struggles. And then it says that you, he's not gonna, you're not gonna change your mind, you're not gonna turn your back on what you promised.


And I think Abigail even though it's early in the story of all this. She knows this. She knows this to be true of God. She's following what God is doing and how he's leading, and she knows it's gonna be through David and so, at great risk to herself, instead of getting embroiled in the conflict, she just stands there courageously and tells him the truth that is amazing.


That is really good, and I don't know how it falls on you listening, but the Lord does. And and go back and read first Samuel 25, because really the way in which Abigail responds to David is so beautiful.


The third thing that we see is responses yes her.


Three ways to describe Abigail she was situationally aware and acted quickly. She was wise in conflict and then she was stayed calm. She did not let her emotions lead her and we see that through her discourse as we look in First Samuel 25 25 is when she talks about her husband and Then she talks in verse 28. Please forgive your servants presumption. And then she says the Lord, your God, will certainly make a lasting dynasty for you, lord, because you fight the Lord's battle. And anytime that I am in a conflict, if I Stand on and reside in the truth of who God is, it stabilizes me. That's right, and I believe that that is what she's doing here and this is what the NIV says. With what you talked about, with being in the what did you say? Bundle of yeah, the treasure pouch.


In verse 29 of chapter 25, even though someone is pursuing you to take your life and this is just the beginning of the pursuing because, yeah, one does, all does continues. The life of my Lord will be bound securely in the bundle of the living by the Lord, your God, but the lives of your enemies will. He will hurl away as from the pocket of a sling and he knows a pocket of a sling because he's slung it to kill Kaliath she's casting such vision from everything she knows about him oh my goodness.


and she's. She's establishing the right enemy. She's saying you're not my enemy and I'm not your enemy. You have one and God's gonna defeat all of yours. That's not here and it's not. She was so wise.


But she did not let emotion and really it's a contrast with Michael, because Michael's let her emotion Cloud her view of God. Yes, and Abigail was so secure in who she saw God to be, her emotions aligned to that Instead of the other way around. Oh, that's a good way to say. And so how did David respond to Abigail? Um Jamie, as we see in verse 32.


How would you summarize? He says bless you, you've kept me from working salvation with my own hand, and that's, there's a version of that. That. If we can gift that to the people in our life that we're discipling and loving and raising and Working in ministry with, if we, if, if they could look at us and say, the input you had in my life Kept me from doing life by my own effort Hmm, I mean, that's what working salvation with my own hand?


He didn't. There was nothing. He was just gonna go murder a bunch of people. He wasn't actually saving them, saving him, saving his people. And I think her, her, her little sermon or her vision casting about everything God had called him to do. He could say, because David was so quick to do this, he could be very passionate and make mistakes, and but he always came back to God quickly and I think right here when he says oh, you got me, you saved me. I'm so glad that you kept me From work, from doing something with my own effort that I shouldn't have done. That's. I think that's if at the end of my life, that's what people said, what, what she poured into my life made me want to rely on God to be the strength and not on my own efforts.


Yeah, that's a win that is a win, and you do that, you've done that for me, you do that for me too. It just is. It's a little less. It is so good and it really I for those of you who listening I just can't. If you were in the car with us, which I kind of sometimes feel like you are. But this is really always.


The Lord brings these truths to what we are walking through in our own personal lives and it's less than is an extension of conversations We've had about our own lives just straight before we came here.


It's so true, god is really working and moving and we trust that he knows what you're walking through and that he will take his words and Really just comfort your heart with his truth in the ways that only he can. So the things that I've learned from Abigail, in the way that she handled conflict, is that she approached with humility, she acknowledged the wrongdoing, she talked responsibility, even though she had no control over them, and she was respectful. She cast a vision, she dependent, she knew the truth of who God was and who God had called David to be, and she Proclaimed that in all humility and God worked it out the way it should have been, because Nabel dies but the rest of the household is saved.


She gets to go on with David, isn't that so? Interesting. I mean, we can't claim that as a promise for sure. Oh, my man the way that God has the final word in this. Yes, it's good.


Yeah, that's so true. I think staying calm is something that I don't do because I let my emotions leave me, but if, if you're one of those people who may respond like David instead, of. Abigail, where you just want to go kill them now versus Calmly engage in. You may need to give yourself a minute.


Yeah, so go to the bathroom, dance it out yeah, what you need to do writing your journal all the things that you wish you could say, and then give yourself a moment to then get Focus back on the Lord, because it's okay to feel those things, and we see the grace that's involved with David and him feeling those things, and so, um, I think Abigail just has a lot to teach us and I'm gonna continue to ruminate Over these lessons from her. So who was she? She was situationally aware and acted quickly. She was wise in a conflict and she stayed calm. And who was God to her? And again, I was like, what did God? He delivered her. How would you say who was God to Abigail?


I think he was the core. He was her core stability, because she had a large season Full of unpredictability and violence With this, where she, where she also had a heavy responsibility. I think God helped her to carry that really beautifully so that she could Respond to him in such an obedient, beautiful way. And and then, as she comes into David's household, it's not like that became, it's like that was easy right with all these wives and all these children and Everybody, and really and everybody doing their own thing.


I think that probably remained hard for her, but I, I really truly do believe and this doesn't come from the text, just from what we know of her character I think she was always a calming, truth, telling Godly voice where she was, and so in the In in the palace at some point, you know, later in her future, and as a mother I think, I think it's pretty clear that her son was not a strong or healthy I think is what is what many think.


So she just, she just stayed the course, she stayed the course, and we don't know anything else. About another thing else. Yes, the end of what I said but it was.


It was enough to get David's attention. Yes, so want her with him, and it was significant.


Yes, it was very significant. She is one of us ladies, and who God is to her, he is to you and me. We thank you so much for listening and we will see you next time on car chat podcast for part 3 and the final part of the wise of David, as in, we will talk about and get to know about. She does see you there, bye.

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