Car Chat Podcast with Amy & Jamy
Join Amy & Jamy as they chat in Amy's car (the glorious and overtly common white Nissan Pathfinder) each month and chat about one woman of the Bible. Women need other women. We just LOVE that God includes the lives of real, broken women in the Bible and reveals how he loves, interacts, and redeems them. We are excited to surround ourselves with this community of women and be encouraged as we lean into Jesus. You don’t have to remain alone in your faith even when no one is around.
Car Chat Podcast with Amy & Jamy
Episode 4: Miriam - Women of the Bible Series
We are so excited to share our latest conversation about MIRIAM!
I only thought I knew her. I knew parts of her story (and you may too) but not her life as a whole or her as a real-life person. I had never taken the time to see her as anything more than a 2-D character in the Old Testament story of the Israelites.
Join us as we dive into the pieces of her life that the Bible reveals as a woman, sister, leader in both a very precarious and liberating time in the life of her family, her culture, her people.
As we answer the question "Who is she," our 3 "words"(kindof/not really words, more like phrases) for Miriam are:
- resourceful
- a leader who used her gifts
- and she complained.
She is one of us. Who God is to her, he is to YOU wherever YOU are.
We hope this episode encourages you in those unseen places where your faith is a bit fragile.
Much love,
*Blog post Miriam: celebrating even when the future is fuzzy
NEW (recently added) - - - - - ->>>> D I S C U S S I O N Q U E S T I O N S
We've had so much fun hearing your stories of connecting with these women in the Bible and each other. Some of you have gathered up your friends and created a small group around these podcasts, diving into God's word yourselves and joining into our conversation with your own.
As an added supplement to every episode, Jamy is writing discussion questions to use as a group in discussion or individually to process through in prayer with God.
Episode 4: M I R I A M Discussion Questions
*See episode description in the show notes. Review Exodus 2, 15, Numbers 12 for her story.
1. What did you learn for the first time about Miriam? What surprised you about her story with God?
2. How does the courage of little girl Miriam and her mother encourage you?
3. What might it have meant in Miriam’s daily life that she was a prophetess?
4. How does her celebration of the crossing of the Red Sea inspire you in your relationships with other women?
5. Miriam struggles with pride. What is your greatest takeaway from this part of her story?
6. Review the three descriptions of Miriam from the podcast and discuss which one resonates the most with you:
· Resourceful
· Leader who used her gifts
· Complained
7. “Miriam is one of us. Who God is to her, He is to me.” Who was God to Miriam? What does that mean to you in your life today?
Let's stay connect:
IG: @amyruthpetersen
produced by: 4110 Ministries, LLC